Your feedback makes us better
Infinite Investment Systems recognizes community feedback as a critical process in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers
in its accessibility strategy. Feedback is an essential part of the organization’s plan to improve on how we deliver our services and
encourage inclusive community participation. In addition to using the Accessibility Feedback Form below, you may also submit
your feedback about accessibility using any one of the following methods:
Infinite Investment Systems - Accessibility Taskforce
First Canadian Place
100 King Street West. Suite 5310
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5X 1E1
P.O. Box 330
Phone: 416-861-0911
Note: If you wish to be contacted, please include your name and contact information.
Infinite Investment Systems is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Your personal
information will not be shared or used for any other purpose than for communicating with you regarding the comments or
concerns that you have raised.